
Showing posts from May, 2023

Write about something that doesn't get better

Something that doesn't get better is grieifing someone.  No matter how much you can come to terms with it i feel like it would never get better. Me only being 16 year old i have lost so much people from friends to family. Day by day it does not get easier but i try to cope with it and stay strong and try not to let it affect my life daily.

Write about what you'd planned to do

 After i graduate high school i plan to go to trade school for cosmetology. I choose this pathway because i realized how much i am into nails and how much this would benefit me on becoming a euntrepenuer. Being one means a lot to me and i know that by following in the same path i am doing now i will be very successful.

write about something that was too small/big

a few weeks ago i ordered a package from Shein. It was filled with so much clothes for my trip that i was excited to try on. When i started trying them on i realized a lot of the clothes were to small for me. I haven't ordered clothes in a while and i thought i was still an extra small but i turned out to be a regular small now and i was devastated.

Write about a question you wished you'd asked.

 I wish i would've asked more questions in class when i didn't understand something in school. I wish i would've spoken up about it because that would have made me passed more with no problems. The consequence of me not asking questions led me to failing when even then i shouldve been paying attention the first time.

Write about someone you forgot.

 When i went on vacation i haven't seen some of my family in over 8 years. When i came across this one person i knew i knew her but i couldn't remember from where. My mom seemed very familiar with her and turns out she was my grandmothers best friend . Being around her made me happy because we spoke about so many memories about her and i felt my grandmother in our presence.

Write about when you knew something was over

 I realized it was over for living in nyc when my mom left me to live with my aunt in nyc to finish school and she moved down here and bought a house. i was devastated due to the fact i knew i would be leaving my whole life behind and starting brand new in a new state. I also knew it was over when i had to move all my stuff into a u-haul and i took a road trip from nyc to atl.

Write about having no fun at all

 Having no fun at all can drain you and make you lose interest in something fast. everything i'm doing i try to look at the bright side of it because i know if i have no interest in it i'm not going to do it or want to be there. School i try to look at the bright side and benefits from it because most of the time it can not be fun at all.

Write about something you are certain of.

 I am certain of me being a euntrepenuer. I know i am going to be one for sure because of the benefits of it. The benefits of being one includes making your own hours, being a boss, and lets you expand your ideas to your freedom. Being one has always been my passion because i love bringing my ideas to life.

Write a long thank you letter

  This thank you letter is for all my teachers that has helped me pass all my classes. I know how much teachers try to help me pass and teach me all the work i need to know. I know how much they go through to make a lesson plan just to teach us the instruction. Without teachers a lot of people wouldn't make it far in life. Teachers are well respected even if some students dont show them they are.

Write about a gift that was not well recieved

About 3 years ago my brother was misbehaving towards my grandfather and he wanted to apologize to him. It was an appreciation letter and a "i'm sorry" letter for him. He picked us up from school and my brother handed him the letter. My grandfather had to drive and pick up my grandmother so he didn't read it yet.When we went to pick up my grandmother we went by her house and then my parents came to pick us up to carry us home. He died that night and wasn't able to read the letter. My brother read it at his funeral and that was not well recieved to him.

Write about a secret being revealed

 When i was about 8 years old my grandmother passed away. This news shocked me so bad espeacially at  a young age because i was so close to her and we used to do everything together. When i asked how she died everyone told me she just fell and hit her head and never woke up. I found that very suspicious because even at my small age i could tell she was a very healthy women and she had no medical conditions. When i went to her memorial last week i gave a speech there and after my cousin told me that that is not the reason she died and im not going to disclose the information but someone did something really bad to her and everyone felt i was to young to understand.

Write a long apology

 This apology is for all my teachers that tried to help me pass all my classes and i was not doing so. I know how much teachers try to help me pass and teach me all the work i need to know. I know how much they go through to make a lesson plan just to teach us the instruction and certain students(like me) would put no effort in doing it. Now i try my all just to do my work because i know i need to graduate.

Write about what you used to know how to do

 I used to know how to do gymnastics. I was self taught at it . I used to do everything from handstands-backflips. I cant do it no more due to me not doing it in a long time and because of this i am not flexible no more at all. Even if i try to do it my body would get so weak from me even attempting it. I still know how to do a backflip but only on trampolines.

Write about something you don't exactly remember

 One thing i don't remember is due dates of assignments. I don't know exactly why i don't remember them but i have terrible memory. When i know something is going to be done soon i try my best to do it as soon as possible so it doesn't slip my mind. When something slips my mind it takes an event relating to it for me to remember it.

Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 I knew i was in trouble when i realized my grades were slipping and i was on borderline to failing 10th grade. I knew how much my parents want me to succeed on school so i can go somewhere far in life and i was taking advantage of it. When i realized my grades were bad it made me try to do any last minute assignments and try to get my grades up. When my parents found out i was slipping they made me pause my business due to me not putting my priorities first. I didn't blame them for it because i should of never been slipping with my grades and should of made sure everything in order with school.

Write about what you have too much of.

 What i have too much of is sneakers. I wouldn't call myself a sneakerhead but i do have a strong love for sneakers because i feel like sneakers is a huge accessory apart of your outfit. I am big on fashion and i know when i have many sneakers i would have numerous options to choose from. I save money aside just to get my sneakers because i love building my collection.

Write about something you cant deny.

 Something i cant deny is people telling me i am a very determined person. I will always find a way to do something. This is a both Positive and Toxic trait about me. I think this because sometimes i will determine myself to do something but i will also stress myself of doing it by any means possible. I never give up on anything i feel like is meant for me.

Write about something/someone being born

 When i was 5 years old my mom told me she was pregnant with my little brother. I was happy being the only child but when he was born everything changed. My mom carried me by my grandmother because she had went into labor. About 1 day later she had him and sent pictures. I seen him and i was happy to have someone little to look over. 

Write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless

 I have a blanket that has no meaning to it but i carry it everywhere. It's a brown blanket that is very comfortable. I carry it with me when i go on trips. I also carry it when i know imma be in a car for a long time. 

absent (may 4th - may 15)

Absent (may 1st)